I first noticed hair loss in September 2018. I was extremely concerned, confused, and scared. Thankfully, at first my hair loss was easy to hide because my hair was so thick that the bald spots were “underneath” my hair. When it started to shed a bit more, I began wearing turbans and hats.
Finally, I got tired of hiding the bald spots and tired of worrying about if they were showing when I went out in public. I knew going bald would be drastic, but it would also eliminate tons of stress and anxiety. So I took the leap! Turns out to be one of the scariest and best decisions I’ve ever made.
Now I feel completely liberated and stress free. I have my insecure moments, but honestly I feel so free. Before being diagnosed with Androgenetic Alopecia, my hair was very soft and thick, and about chin length. These days, most of the time I forget I’m bald until I scratch my head!
Whitney is a Lifestyle Content Creator and entrepreneur from Maryland. When off duty she can be found taking road trips with her husband, checking out new restaurants, and reading. Follow along at @whitneynicjames on all social channels.